Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Aftermath

Easter has come and gone so fast! We had a great time with family and are exhausted from all of the eating and hunting for eggs. We started the day off with a ritualistic early rising to hunt for eggs and get into some early morning candy eating. The parents in this household join right in on this ritual. Then we got all spiffed up and went to the 10:35 service at church, this service is for the late comers and suits us very well. Brian spoke today and really put the day into perspective. While family time is wonderful and the eggs and bunny are super fun the true meaning and importance of Easter is sometimes forgotten.

The highlights behind the Easter story are the crucifixion or execution, burial and resurrection of Jesus. The account of Jesus's resurrection is recorded in the most authoritative historical Gospel books. A few days after Jesus's death three women found his tomb empty. Jesus then appeared to these women and his disciples, talking and eating with them. In the following forty days Jesus who had returned from his death, was seen by hundreds of people, until he ascended to heaven. So Easter is a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus the one who died to save us all.

After church we progressed on to Grandma and Grandpa Drew's to relax and visit. We got to tour the new motor home, which is great and we cannot wait to plan many trips to the beach and desert. Baby Ella our newest addition to the family is just beautiful what a huge blessing for Courtney and Steve, she is fabulous. Riley, Abbey, and Steven had a great time hunting for eggs all over Patti and Toms front and backyard, what a laugh these three characters are. Steven was a huge mess by the time we left. He is so excitedto fly his new kite. Mom Drew made Chicken Divan and it was deadly good, Travis and I ate way to much and had to leave to go to Grandma Laura's before we went into a coma.

At Grandma Loli's we hung out with Andrew, Gwennie and Denise. Grandma and Grandpa Lokers were down at Aunt Chrissy's house. the kids had another egg hunt. Mom made fried chicken and pasta so we ate again and had dessert. Teagans 1st Easter was perfect just like her. She is such a pleasure and we are so thankful for this little angel we have been blessed with. She continues to be the most pleasant baby ever and she is so interested, content and funny. Riley and Gwen continue to be the best playmates ever. It is so interesting watching these two little girls grow up together into young ladies.

Then we headed home got in our jammies and all piled on the couch. What a great day. I will post some pictures shortly.

So Easter 2010 has cruised on by and in remembrance of our savior my Easter resolution is to fast from sugar (refined not ALL). I will keep you posted on how this fast is going. Hopefully I will grow spiritually during this fast because if I pray every time I want or need sugar, I am probably going to be in a pretty constant state of prayer and hey I might even loose some weight out of all this. So today is Day 1 the start of the fast April 26 th is my goal.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

So I have been talking about beginning a blog and finally today had time to figure the process out. It is so hard these days to keep up with family and friends so I am going to try and blog about new and exciting things going on in our lives.

Spring break is here and the kids are ready for a break from school. I am looking forward to parking my Taxi Cab and taking some time out with the kids.

Teagan is six months old already and we are all loving having her happy little face in the house. Riley is a mini-momma and a huge help. Steven is just having fun being a boy, digging, climbing, riding, jumping, skating and playing-not so interested in the girls but definitely loves on the baby for a minute or two and then he is back to his business as usual.

Travis is the most fabulous daddy ever. Teagan adores her daddy it is simply endearing to watch. The new job in Temecula is going great. However Travis will confirm that these days when he is not with the kids, working, or kissin on me he is GOLFING! He is enjoying golfing so much that he is taking lessons to improve his already good game. I love that he has a passion for a sport that is safe and is a challenge! GO Travy BOY!

As for me I am wrapping up my Bachelors Degree in THREE WEEKS yippppeeeee! Cant wait to take a little time off and then begining my Masters Program. I have just been so lucky to have the support of my hubby and family this whole time I have been in school. Finally accomplishing the degree is so rewarding for all of us. I am also proud to announce that I have been working out faithfully, I really did not know how much I missed Pilates until I started back up and I cant wait to add on more classes into my schedule (if that is at all possible). I have also learned how to crochet flowers recently and am working on making a Fantabulous scarf. Most importantly I am going to be an Aunt again. I love babies I am so excited for another addition to our already populated family.

I will continue to update as much as possible this is going to be pretty fun.
Love always,

Spring Pictures

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